The Noble Hearts Foundation is set up under Canadian charitable rules to make donations only to other registered Canadian charities. The recipients of donations from the Noble Hearts Foundation are carefully selected to ensure they meet our original mission and are an effective use of funds. Charities supported in Canada by The Noble Hearts Foundation include refugee settlement, financial support of women entrepreneurs in the developing world and veterans' charities. The Noble Hearts Foundation has a long-standing relationship with Opportunity International Canada, the Canadian chapter of an international charitable organization that works with local microfinance organizations that provide innovative financial solutions to empower people, create jobs and build vibrant communities. Their mission is to give people living in poverty(primarily women) the chance to dream, grow, send their children to school, provide for their families and create lasting change for themselves and their communities. They do this through the provision of micro-loans, mentoring and financial literacy education and support. They are wonderful people to work with. Between the Noble Hearts Foundation and The Order of Saint Joachim (Canadian Commandery), we have donated or helped to raise over $300,000 for their work. With Opportunity International's 98.5% loan repayment rate, it means that the money donated to Opportunity International Canada stays in the system and is available to re-loan and help multiple families for years. The Noble Hearts Foundation has also made donations to refugee support, local food banks, homeless support services, and child nutrition programs. |
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