
The Noble Hearts Foundation primarily receives donations from members of The Order of Saint Joachim, but also welcomes contributions from members of the public. As a registered charity, donors will receive a tax reciept for the full amount of their direct donation.

Donations to The Noble Hearts Foundation can be made several ways. The Noble Hearts foundation has e-banking facilities, or donors can made donations by cheque. Donations by Interac e-transfer can be made to charity@stjoachimorder.org. To receive a tax receipt for e-transfers, please follow up with an email to the Foundation at noblehearts@stjoachimorder.org with your details or questions.

Donations can also be made through a third party organization, CanadaHelps.org. Click here to visit The Noble Hearts Foundation landing page where you can make an online donation by credit card. Donations made this way will receive a tax receipt directly from CanadaHelps.org.

The Noble Hearts Foundation is incorporated in the Province of Ontario as a not for profit, non-share capital corporation and is a registered charity (Charitable Registration Number: 83471 3000 RR0001).

© 2011-2022 The Noble Hearts Foundation